Pet Guide

Pet Guide

Made for you and your furry friend

We understand your pets are a big part of your family. We are here for you every step of the way when it comes to your pet's health. In this section you will find some useful information on services and pet medication relevant to you and your pet.



We strongly believe that prevention is better than cure. We recommend vaccinating all dogs from six weeks of age, all cats from nine weeks of age and yearly thereafter.

Your Pet will receive Vaccinations for:

  • Canine Parvovirus
  • Canine Distemper Virus
  • Infectious Canine Hepatitis
  • Leptospirosis
  • Canine Herpes Virus
  • Parainfluenzas
  • Kennel Cough

  • Cat Flue Viruses
  • Infectious Enteritis
  • Feline Leukaemia Virus
Pet Passports

Pet Passports

Irish pets are eligible for pet passports enabling them to certain countries without having to complete a period in quarantine. You pet must be micro chipped, be vaccinated against rabies and clear a selection of blood test in order to be eligible.

You can read full details of the requirements of the pet travel on:

The Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine Website. (



Reuniting lost pets with their owners can prove very difficult if the pet is not microchipped. We strongly recommend microchippind for dogs and cats - it's a once off procedure which can give long term peace of mind.

Did you Know?

Since April 2016 all dogs in Ireland must be microchipped.



With exceptions, it is best to neuter your pet early, usually from 5-6 months on. There are many health benefits to neutering your pet as well as preventing many unwanted pregnancies. There are some alternatives to surgical neutering available.

Parasite Control

Parasite Control

Our pets are part of our families and living in such close proximity to them, it's very important to stay on top of parasite control, both for pets and their owners! Regular worming and flea control is recommended for animals of all ages.

  • Do you have any question or you need some assistance?